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Healthcare Delivery: Pandemic and Beyond

This year’s Glaucoma 360 New Horizons Forum — the 10th annual — took place as a virtual event on January 30, 2021.

Apr 20, 2021

This year’s Glaucoma 360 New Horizons Forum — the 10th annual — took place as a virtual event on January 30, 2021. Presented by Glaucoma Research Foundation, New Horizons Forum unites key clinical, industry, financial, and FDA leaders in a unique exchange on research innovation and advances in glaucoma treatment.

One of the key special sessions from the 2021 New Horizons Forum was titled: Healthcare Delivery: Pandemic and Beyond. Session moderators were Ruth Williams, MD (glaucoma specialist at Wheaton Eye Clinic) and Anup K. Khatana, MD (Medical Director at Cincinnati Eye Institute). Speakers for the special global session included:

  • Hunter Cherwek, MD, Vice President, Clinical Services, Orbis: “Cybersight Telemedicine and Other Innovations: A Global Perspective.”
  • Fabian Lerner, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Favaloro University, Buenos Aires, Argentina: “Glaucoma care after COVID: A Pan-American Perspective.”
  • Oluwatosin Smith, MD, Ophthalmologist, Glaucoma Associates of Texas, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology UT Southwestern Medical Center: “The New Normal: Updated Workflows in Glaucoma Practices.”
  • Ningli Wang, MD, PhD, Director and Vice President, Eye Center of Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing: “COVID Pandemic and Effects on Ophthalmology Delivery Systems.”
  • John Cropsey, MD, Clinical Professor Hope Africa University Medical School and Director of Hope Africa Eye Care International Referral Center, Kibuye, Burundi: “COVID and Post-COVID Ophthalmic Care in Central Africa.”

Watch this video recording of the 2021 virtual presentation: